Sunday, October 24, 2010

Slacker of the Month award

Saying I fell a little behind on the blog recently would be an understatement.  I just realized it's been a month since my last post!  UNacceptable.  Therefore, I must make up for it with several new posts on our recent adventures.  My lack of blogging would be a result of the crazy October we've had so far.  To catch you all up to speed - we've been taking Tuck to puppy class and he graduated Thursday (kind of a big deal, but not really), we spent a festive fall weekend with my nephews and the rest of my family going at an apple festival and the pumpkin patch, spent a weekend in Orange with John's fam, and had our engagement pictures taken.  In wedding related news - I have picked a wedding planner, and I love her!  I'm excited about all of her ideas, and I know her help will greatly reduce my stress level, which is good for me and great for everyone else (mainly John and my mom :))

More posts to come this week about the pumpkin patch, our engagement pics, and everyone's favorite puppy (or maybe just mine), Tucker!!! Hope everyone had a great weekend, and is as excited about Monday as I am :(

1 comment:

  1. yaaay you're back! yes! more sneak peaks of the engagement photos por favor - and you better carve a mean pumpkin in the next week! :) good luck with the wedding planner - excited for more updates!
