Monday, August 30, 2010

And the nightmare begins...

The nightmare that is fantasy football.  Tonight we had half of John's fantasy football league over for the draft.  This is what I'm working with...

I can now say goodbye to trying to get John to do anything on Sundays. :)

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Negative 1 Year Anniversary!

Well no surprise I'm already falling behind - I wrote this Friday and then meant to post it, but totally forgot.  Better late than never I suppose...

I can't believe that a year from today I'll be getting married to the most amazing guy! (ask me if he's still amazing after football season starts) KIDDING!  I'm sooo excited and there is so much to do!  I'm sure that the year will fly by, and be filled with the stresses of planning (which I'm already experiencing), but I really want to enjoy this time leading up to the big day and the excitement of being engaged.  Only happens once :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Puppy Fever!

Recently, I have had a serious case of puppy fever.  I was going crazy looking at breeder websites, deciding what breed would be right for us, and torturing myself looking at adorable puppy pictures.  I would like to think that my "puppy fever" rubbed off on John, but really I think he was just tired of the crazy person I was becoming.  Long story short - my convincing was a success!  

This past weekend John and I went to look at a puppy in PA!!  He was absolutely adorable and only 2.3 pounds.  We went ahead and put a deposit on him and will be able to take him home for good in a couple weeks.  We were his first strangers, so he was a little scared at first, but the owner brought in a couple of his litter mates and he warmed right up!
Here are a few pics for your enjoyment! Try not to catch puppy fever ;)

Puppy play time!
He can't deny it - he loves him :)

I know we've got some work ahead of us, but how can you say no to that face...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Put it on the list...

Well here goes nothing! As if I didn’t have enough to do with working, planning the wedding, decorating the (relatively) new condo, and convincing John that we need a dog, I figured I would add starting a blog to the list.  I must say it’s been quite the process getting started – between picking a name, trying to set up the page, and thinking of something remotely interesting that people would want to read. :)   With the help of a few I’ve finally come up with the name (clever I know), but if anyone out there has some great ideas, I’m open to suggestions ;)  Now if only I could find a way to do this full time…and with that I’m off to get ready for another wonderful week!